The story revolves around a man trying to uncover the mysterious death of his girlfriend and save an innocent man from the death chamber in the process, by using his unique power to time travel. However in attempting to do this, he also frees a spiteful serial-killer.
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Nonton Film The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009) Gratis Subtitle Indonesia hanya di Dramakore , Tempat nonton film full movie online streaming Terbaru & Terlengkap dengan berbagai genre seperti Action, Comedy, Romance dan lain-lain. Tak ketinggalan juga kami menyediakan film spesial bergenre Drama Korea terupdate & terlengkap dengan kualitas HD yang paling baru di tahun 2021.
Synopsis Film The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (2009) Subtitle Indonesia :
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Tagline:Death repeats itself.
Quality: HD
Year: 2009
Duration: 90 Min
Director:Seth Grossman
Cast:Alexis Sturr, Andrea Foster, Catherine Towne, Chantel Giacalone, Chris Carmack, Daniel Spink, Dennis North, Emily Sutton-Smith, Hugh Maguire, Kevin Yon, Linda Boston, Lynch R. Travis, Melissa Jones, Mia Serafino, Michael Ellison, Michael Paul Place, Peter Malota, Rachel Miner, Richard Wilkinson, Sarah Habel, Sonya A. Avakian, Trevor Callaghan, Ulysses Hernandez
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