Shiro Emiya is a young magus who attends Homurahara Academy in Fuyuki City. One day after cleaning the Archery Dojo in his school, he catches a glimpse of a fight between superhuman beings, and he gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shiro joins the battle to stop an evildoer from winning the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious “Shadow” begins to indiscriminately kill people in Fuyuki…
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Nonton Film Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel I. Presage Flower (2017) Gratis Subtitle Indonesia hanya di Dramakore , Tempat nonton film full movie online streaming Terbaru & Terlengkap dengan berbagai genre seperti Action, Comedy, Romance dan lain-lain. Tak ketinggalan juga kami menyediakan film spesial bergenre Drama Korea terupdate & terlengkap dengan kualitas HD yang paling baru di tahun 2021.
Synopsis Film Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel I. Presage Flower (2017) Subtitle Indonesia :
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Views:276 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2017
Duration: 120 Min
Revenue:$ 17.422.935,00
Director:Tomonori Sudo
Cast:Aoi Koga, Atsuko Tanaka, Ayako Kawasumi, Fumie Mizusawa, Haruhi Nanao, Hiroshi Kamiya, Jouji Nakata, Junichi Suwabe, Kana Ueda, Konami Saito, Mai Kadowaki, Masaki Terasoma, Masane Tsukayama, Miho Miyagawa, Miki Ito, Mitsuaki Madono, Mitsuki Nakae, Nobutoshi Canna, Noriaki Sugiyama, Noriko Shitaya, Rikiya Koyama, Ryuichi Kijima, Shin-ichiro Miki, Shinya Takahashi, Tetsu Inada, Tomokazu Seki, Yuu Asakawa
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